Save Section 9 Neighbor Agreement 

This neighbor (membership) agreement outlines the responsibilities, expectations, and commitments for neighbors within Save Section 9. We refer to each other as neighbors because even if we live far away, we are a community of people who are invested in protecting each others’ homes. By joining, neighbors agree to actively participate in advancing the coalition’s mission to preserve and protect public housing and fight against gentrification and privatization 

Mission Statement

Save Section 9 (SS9) is a tenant-led coalition that works to educate and activate public housing tenants. 

We tackle policies rooted in colonialism that have led to discriminatory disinvestment in America's only truly affordable housing stock. Neighbors fight gentrification, displacement, and privatization schemes nationally. Our actions are focused on gaining adoption of our federal solutions which aim to rehabilitate and expand the only truly affordable housing stock in America. We demand the sustainable and resilient rehabilitation of Section 9/public housing campuses nationally. 

What Save Section 9 offers neighbors

  1. Templates to support organizing efforts 

  2. Guidance on how to advocate effectively 

  3. Social tools to connect and engage with fellow neighbors 

  4. Workshop series that supports neighbors in achieving our national solutions 

  5. Support via training and resource development 

  6. Razing Liberty documentary screenings 

  7. Community events that celebrate what public housing has afforded families 

  8. Door Knocking support 

  9. Petition templates 

  10. Lobbying opportunities 

  11. A voice in our collective solutions 

 As a Save Section 9 neighbor, you agree to: 

  1. Support the SS9 Mission: Uphold and advocate for the coalition’s mission and objectives. Our national solutions guide our work and actions. Align your expectations with our mission and honor the role you play in the bigger picture. When representing SS9, you should be using SS9 flyers/petitions. 

  2. Participate Actively: Attend weekly meetings, workshops, screenings, hearrings, events, and activities. Complete trainings so you can become the teacher. Honor our weekly meeting agenda and request adding topics ahead of time when needed. At minimum, we require you to attend at least 1 meeting per month and participate in at least 1 in-person or virtual action per year. We ask that you prioritize attendance at in-person actions if you are able. 

  3. Respect Fellow Neighbors and Engage Constructively: Create an inclusive and respectful environment by treating all neighbors with respect. Share ideas, feedback, and concerns to strengthen the efforts of SS9. Disagree with ideas and opinions, not people. Communicate respectfully, even when disagreements occur. Any form of harassment, discrimination, or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Be willing to receive and act on feedback given in good faith. 

  4. Maintain Confidentiality: Protect sensitive information and intellectual property discussed and created within SS9 spaces. Assets created for SS9 purposes should not be used in other spaces without the explicit written permission of SS9. Adhere to our non-disclosure agreement. Do not share lobbying tactics, logistics surrounding actions, or personal testimonies outside of SS9. 

  5. Oppose designations that transfer units out of Section 9: This includes conversion to project-based Section 8 or demolition/disposition under Section 18. Tenants from developments who have moved to Section 8 or 18 against their wishes are still welcome to join SS9. 

  6. Donate (if able to) at least $1 monthly. This helps us cover operational expenses. We accept donations via our website ( Recurring donation plans: Options include $1/month, $5/month, or an amount meaningful to you.